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XQTRs lair...
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i don't know what got me... but i want to build a local ansi database!
i want to have all available ansi art in my hdd, categorized with tags
and even a search engine capability to search the text into the ansis.
to make this... i am gonna build an sqlite3 database that will contain
the text from the ansi images. this way with an sql string i could
make an easy search engine. so... how you put all ansis into an sqlite
base? by getting rid of all the non usable parts of the ansi, which
are a lot!
we don't need:
+ escape codes
+ ascii symbols that are non letters/numbers
+ sauce data
+ duplicate text
+ strings that are longer than ex.20chars, cause
these may be part of the graphics and not actual
the simplest way is to use bash. with this oneliner we can transform a
60Kb ansi, into 100bytes text file, that will contain only the usable
/ searchable text.
cat "$1" | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' | \
strings -e s | tr " " "\n" | sed '/^$/d'| sed 's/[^A-Z0-9]//ig' \
| uniq -u| sed 's/SAUCE//g' | sed -r 's/\b\w{20,}\s?\b//g' \
|sed -r '/^.{,3}$/d'| tr "\n" "," > "$2"
it will remove all unnecessary chars and keep only the readable
strings, which will form our base... more on the search engine... in
next issues.