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  XQTRs lair...
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    some bbs software like mystic bbs, has a feature to blacklist ips           
    that are making too many connections in a short time period to your         
    bbs. this prevents attacks, so its useful. the bad thing with this,         
    is that some times, we as users/sysops do many connection attempts          
    and finally, our ip gets into that file... resulting to not be able         
    to connect, even at our bbs sometimes.                                      
    also, many sysops don't know about this or they don't know how to           
    clear it or they just forget to clear it, from time to time. this way       
    you loose visitors, who for some weird reason, they got "banned" and        
    not they can't even connect to your bbs.                                    
    a solution to this problem is obviously, to clear the file. but             
    because we have so many things to do... we will do it automatically,        
    using cron or other event manager. the solution is apply able to any        
    bbs software, you just have to figure out, which file you have to           
    delete etc. for example we will make a simple script to clear a             
    mystic bbs blacklist.txt file. the script is simple as deleting the         
    file and also creating it with the 'touch' command... this is very          
    important! let's see the commands first:                                    
    rm /blacklist.txt                                        
    touch /blacklist.txt                                     
    for a pi installed mystic bbs... you should have something like this:       
    rm /home/pi/mystic/data/blacklist.txt                                       
    touch /home/pi/mystic/data/blacklist.txt                                    
    simple! make the script executable and add it as a cron job like.           
    initiate cron editor with:  crontab -e                                      
        MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT ROOT! make this as a simple/normal user!          
    in the editor that will open add this line in the bottom of the file:       
    00 */2 * * *                                           
    00 */2 * * * /home/pi/mystic/clearbllst.sh                                  
    save and exit the editor... the new cron job will be installed. the         
    cron command/job we applied, will delete the blacklist.txt file every       
    two hours at exactly 00/zero minutes. this means that someone that          
    makes too many logins and got banned... he will have to wait for            
    about two hours to be able to login again. you can change this to           
    whatever you want. for example to erase the file every 12 hours you         
    will enter the command like this:                                           
    00 */12 * * * /home/pi/mystic/clearbllst.sh                                 
    it is very important to re-create the file! if you just delete it,          
    mystic server (mis) will create it, but with root access only! so           
    next time you will go to edit it, you have to be a root user! this is       
    not a good way to do it and the file originally belongs to a normal         
    user. so we execute our cronjob as a normal user and recreate the           
    file, to avoid the creation of the blacklist file with root access.         
    if you liked this tutor press the like button below and subscribe to        
    our ascii-feed... :p                                                        
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