_                _   _                 ____            _     _ 	
   / \   _ __   ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __  |  _ \ _ __ ___ (_) __| |	
  / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| | | | | '__/ _ \| |/ _\` |	
 / ___ \| | | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |    | |_| | | | (_) | | (_| |	
/_/   \_\_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|    |____/|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|	
  XQTRs lair...
Home // Blog // NULL emag. // Files // Docs // Tutors // GitHub repo
        __  _                        __ _                           _  __
  ______\ \_\\_______________________\///__________________________//_/ /______
  \___\                                                                   /___/
   | .__                                 __                                  |
   | |                   ___  __________/  |________                         |
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   :                     /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|                           :
   .                           \/  |__|                                      .
   .                                                                         .
   :           H/Q Another Droid BBS - andr01d.zapto.org:9999                :
   ;                                                                         ;
   + --- --  -   .     -        ---    ---    ---        -     .    - -- --- +
   :                                                                         :
   |                            You've got Netmail                           |
   :                                                                         :
   ` --- --  -   .     -        ---    ---    ---        -     .    - -- --- '
   This is almost the same script as in the other tutor, about finding changes
   in files. The only difference is that, instead of checking a hash 
   string, we check the size of the file... and even better, we check the 
   number of messages a JAM base, like Netmail, contains.
   A JAM Base is a combination of 4 files. One of them is the Index File. 
   This file contains a record of 8 bytes size, for each message the base 
   has. So if we divide the file size of the Index file with 8, which is 
   the size of the record we get the number of messages the base 
   contains. Easy ;)
   So we use the same script, but instead of storing and checking the 
   hash string, we store the number of records the base has.
   Make sure to edit the correct values.
   + --- --  -   .     -        ---    ---    ---        -     .    - -- --- '   

import smtplib
from sys import argv
import os

to_ = 'receiver@mail.com'
subject = 'File Changed...'
text = 'You have got a new mail? perhaps?'
hash_file = './oldhash.txt' # Store old hash. This file must exist
old_hash = ''
new_hash = ''
base_file = './check'       # The file to be checked. Must exit.
with open(hash_file) as f:
    old_hash = f.readline()

new_hash = str(os.path.getsize(base_file) / 8)

if new_hash == old_hash :
    print "Nothing changed. Exiting."
with open(hash_file, 'w') as fw:
print "HASH Changed. Sending mail"

# Send email

# Gmail Sign In
gmail_sender = 'sender@mail.com'
gmail_passwd = 'password'

server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
server.login(gmail_sender, gmail_passwd)

BODY = '\r\n'.join(['To: %s' % to_,
                    'From: %s' % gmail_sender,
                    'Subject: %s' % subject,
                    '', text])

    server.sendmail(gmail_sender, [to_], BODY)
    print ('')


   + --- --  -   .     -        ---    ---    ---        -     .    - -- --- '
         _____         _   _              ____          _   _ 
        |  _  |___ ___| |_| |_ ___ ___   |    \ ___ ___|_|_| |        8888
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        |__|__|_|_|___|_| |_|_|___|_|    |____/|_| |___|_|___|     8888888888
                DoNt Be aNoTHeR DrOiD fOR tHe SySteM               88 8888 88
 /: HaM RaDiO   /: ANSi ARt!     /: MySTiC MoDS   /: DooRS         '88||||88'
 /: NeWS        /: WeATheR       /: FiLEs         /: SPooKNet       ''8888"'
 /: GaMeS       /: TeXtFiLeS     /: PrEPardNeSS   /: FsxNet            88
 /: TuTors      /: bOOkS/PdFs    /: SuRVaViLiSM   /: ArakNet    8 8 88888888888
                                                              888 8888][][][888
   TeLNeT : andr01d.zapto.org:9999 [UTC 11:00 - 20:00]          8 888888##88888
   SySoP  : xqtr                   eMAiL: xqtr@gmx.com          8 8888.####.888
   DoNaTe : https://paypal.me/xqtr                              8 8888##88##888