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   .                                                                         .
   :           H/Q Another Droid BBS - andr01d.zapto.org:9999                :
   ;                                                                         ;
   + --- --  -   .     -        ---    ---    ---        -     .    - -- --- +
   :                                                                         :
   |                       Convert MOD/IT/S3M to WAV                         |
   :                                                                         :
   ` --- --  -   .     -        ---    ---    ---        -     .    - -- --- '

   The easiest way to convert a file of track music like MOD, IT, S3M, XM 
   etc. is through XMP. XMP is a very good mod player, that works in 
   Linux and Windows. To install it in Linux just type:
                          sudo apt-get install xmp
   To convert the file, give this command:
                          xmp music.mod -o export.wav
   In a few seconds, depending the file size, you'll have the exported 
   music in WAV format. Now you can use an encoder to compress it as MP3 
   or import it as it is, in a video editor for background music ;)

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 /: HaM RaDiO   /: ANSi ARt!     /: MySTiC MoDS   /: DooRS         '88||||88'
 /: NeWS        /: WeATheR       /: FiLEs         /: SPooKNet       ''8888"'
 /: GaMeS       /: TeXtFiLeS     /: PrEPardNeSS   /: FsxNet            88
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   TeLNeT : andr01d.zapto.org:9999 [UTC 11:00 - 20:00]          8 888888##88888
   SySoP  : xqtr                   eMAiL: xqtr@gmx.com          8 8888.####.888
   DoNaTe : https://paypal.me/xqtr                              8 8888##88##888