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now that bbses have 24/7 internet connection and the bandwidth is
high, why not offer videos to our users? depending your theme on your
bbs or what do you like, you can offer a plethora of videos for
downloading. so lets make a script, that will download a video, the
description and make a nice archive with file_id.diz file, to offer at
the file section of your bbs.
you'll have to install youtube-dl,iconv,par and zip support to your linux
machine. then copy paste the script below, make it executable and use
it like this: ./yt2bbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEN1KVdslbk
it will:
+ get the video description
+ download the file, only if it is smaller than 70MB. you can
change that if you want.
+ it will convert the description to cp437 format and make
the file_id.diz file, with a width of 40chars
+ rename the video file, so it hasn't spaces in the name
+ make a zip file containing the video file and the .diz
this way users visiting your bbs, will be able to read a description
about the video before downloading it.
/- yt2bbs.sh ---------- ------------------- ------------ ------- -- - - -\
youtube-dl -f 'best[filesize<70M]' "$1" --get-description | par 40 >> desc.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
#convert text to CP437
iconv desc.txt -f utf8 -t cp437 -c -o file_id.diz
rm desc.txt
#get description, format it to 40 chars wide and save it as file_id.diz
fname="$(youtube-dl -f 'best[filesize<70M]' "$1" --get-filename)"
#remove spaces
fname="$(echo "${fname// /_}")"
#remove single quotes
fname="$(echo "${fname//\'/_}")"
#now download the video and
youtube-dl -f 'best[filesize<70M]' "$1" -o $fname
#zip the files... video+file_id.diz
zip "${fname%.mp4}.zip" file_id.diz "$fname" -0
echo "Error geting video information."
\---------------------- ------------------- ------------ ------- -- - - -/