_                _   _                 ____            _     _  
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  / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| | | | | '__/ _ \| |/ _` |  
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/_/   \_\_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|    |____/|_|  \___/|_|\____| 
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Getting ROMS from Archive.org

from:  xqtr // 2024-07-06
 roms, bash, archive

A neat way to get roms, specially for MAME, is using the 
Archive.org site. WIth a simple search you can find complete sets 
of rom files for many MAME versions. You can just click a file 


CD command on steroids!

from: xqtr // 2024-07-01
 bash, linux, cd, script

I have seen a similar implementation of a CD command for 
bash/linux that used a method to store a kind of DIR bookmarks 
and i really liked it. For a while i used it, but because it was 


Links for RETRO apps

from: xqtr // 2024-01-06
msdos, windows, apps, drivers, links, retro, abandon, 

For those that are into retro machines like old msdos and windows 
3/95/98/XP, here are some websites that offer applications and 
drivers, for those machines. You will find very good stuff, that 


Weather status bar in Mystic BBS

from: xqtr // 2023-12-27

Let's add a status bar with weather information, in your BBS. For 
this example, we will use Mystic BBS, but the same can be achieved
in other BBS software too. The idea is the same, just the 


In the search of the "best" monospaced font...

from: xqtr // 2023-12-26
terminal, linux, font

While searching for the best monospaced font, for my likings, i 
tried many many fonts. Most of them, was fonts, from old 
machines, like Amstrad, Amiga, Atari and of course IBM PC. There 


BASH Script for getting HEX/ANSI color values

from: xqtr // 2023-12-25
bash, ansi, bbs

I had some spare time, because of the Christmas holidays and th...
simple script, for getting the hex/ansi values of the main 16 c...
and various BBS stuff, like ANSI drawing and MODs.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

from: xqtr // 2023-12-25
wish, calendar, ansi

Merry Christmas to all and i wish, the new year to find us all, 
better than the last year. 2023 wasn't a good year for humanity. 
Let us hope that in 2024 we will find the humanity we lost, cause 


Best gopher client...

from: xqtr // 2023-12-15
#gopher, #client, #linux

I was searching for the best terminal, gopher client, at least 
for me. So i installed a bunch of them... which also uninstalled
 at the end, cause i had the one i was looking for from the 
 start, but i didn't know.


.ZIM Files - Kiwix

from: xqtr // 2023-09-28

On the past i have written a guide on how to use Kiwix to have ...
version of Wikipedia and other wikis on a BBS, or just your loc...
You just download a .zim file and use a zim reader like Kiwix a...
data, as in your normal browser. Except wikis, someone can have...


Telnite - Telnet Client in Python3

from: xqtr // 2022-05-22

I have just built a Python3 telnet client for visiting BBSes. I...
cause i wanted an easy and fast way to have a telnet client whe...
and also be usable on any "plain/vanilla" system. It can be run...




Copyright() 2024 // XQTR
Another Droid BBS ___________________________________________________________________ Build: 2024/07/06