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Posted on: 2019-10-25 17:07:50, by xqtr
First entry!!!! This is a successful setup of a new MPY script for Mystic BBS,
that helps you create a Gopher site and maintain it, in a easier way. Also
with the same tool and Gopher structure you create a HTML based site, exactly
the same as the Gopher one!!!! So, you build once... and have the Gopher and
HTML sites, simultaneously!
It also uses the text editor of Mystic BBS, which includes a spell checker.
This way you can write documents with correct grammar/spelling and also via
telnet, wherever you are, by connecting to your BBS!
The tool is not yet publicly available, cause i want to fix some bugs, add
more features, but it will be ready soon enough! You'll know when... ;)