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Posted on: 2019-10-29 19:05:48, by xqtr
So, today i had some spare time and finally managed to put some stuff in the
Gopher section of the system. Now, as you can see, it has many files, links,
lists to download and hopefully, there is more stuff to come.
The Gopher-site-building script works very nice and it may be a bit difficult
in the beginning to get used to it, but after it makes managing the site very
easy. You can apply changes and re-build the whole site very easy. This way i
will update it very often.
The script though, is not ready for publishing yet. I have to write some
documentation for it, cause others wont understand how to use it. Also i have
a small problem. The gopher server and i guess the HTML server also, doesn't
support symbolic links. This means that files, which are all ready in the
system, have to be copied one time for the Gopher server and once more for the
HTML server... so each file, will have 3 copies in the sdcard :( If i only
could use the same files, the BBS is using, then the Gopher site, would have
many, many files to download (the HTML also). I am looking into it... but i
don't expect to find a solution. Will see.
So... have a nice time... and keep BBSing... :)