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Posted on: 2019-12-11 18:12:43, by xqtr
So after some months i finally managed to release another version of NULL
magazine, issue x008! You can find it in the BBS, at FSX, ZERO and also in
the Gopher section for NULL.
I am thinking of taking a break, re-organize a bit the whole process of
making NULL, cause making the text, the dos and also the online versions,
takes too much time. I have thought a way to unify all three verions, so
this way i will not loose time for re-writing stuff.
Also i want to re-write some of my old scripts. Perhaps i will convert the
code from MPL to MPY and also add new features in them. Will see. Christmas
holidays are here... so i am hitting the pause button for now :)
Happy holidays to all of you!!!! and keep BBSing!