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  XQTRs lair...
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Updates, August 2020
Posted on: 2020-08-24 18:46:17, by xqtr #blog It has been a while since my last phlog/blog post... and i hope you understand why. The whole COVID19 situation has affected everyone different. So, because the current situation is difficult, BBSing had to be left for a while. But... here we are again. NULL 00A is ready to be published at late August, i have all ready published some new scripts, like the InterBBS File Search and now i am making updates to Blocker, terminal client program. I managed to fix the ZModem download function, so now the program can download/upload with ZModem!!!! yeahhhh... but there are more features to be added. I am not going to tell more about. You will see. :) So, i hope you are all well... keep calm... and keep BBSing!