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  XQTRs lair...
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Sorry... for not posting
Posted on: 2020-12-04, by xqtr #blog Although there has been some time since my last post, it wasn't because i was lazy. No, no, no.... the opposite, i was very productive. New mods for Mystic BBS and also a new release for NULL emag!!! which you can find in the NULL area of the gopher site also. I fixed many bugs in my Message Area mod and also in the File area, i wrote some new mods, like the new Announcement Board, the SpriteEngine format/thing, a script that converts TDF (TheDrawFont) files to SpriteEngine ones and other stuff, all of each you can find in the BBS. I also build a new RPi system, with a case similar to old-wedge-home-micro 8/16bit computers of the 80-90s. Nothing fancy and nothing extreme... but more of that, in another post ;) Take a look at the new NULL issue and tell me your opinion... :) Happy Holidays to all of you!!!