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Android programming with Basic4Android
Posted on: 2022-02-06, by xqtr
Although i would like to make more posts in here, i found that i don't. Life
has been hard the last years and i found that coding and BBSing, are pushed
aside from other everyday things. It seems i get older, also. :)
Even so, because i wanted to learn a new skill i found a "different"
programming language, to make apps for Android smartphones, that would also
be related with the BBS scene. Those apps will be my starting point to learn
the new environment of Android programming.
I chose Basic4Android, cause java sucks and when i read C code or Kotlin my
eyes start seeing spots and flashes everywhere :) I don't know why, but when
i am trying to learn a high level language i always get frustrated. Perhaps
the reason is because i started with Pascal and then Python, which are more
readable by far. Also, programming for me is a hobby and i don't want to
invest too much time in learning "unreadable" code.
Anyway... until now, i made three apps. One for connecting to BBSes, as bbs
list/database an ANSI viewer/renderer and a Gopher client. You should all
ready have seen them in the main page, i guess.
...but life caught me again and i think that the next app, will be delayed a
bit. So, keep coming back here to check out :) Hope everyone is good! cheers!