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Telnite - Telnet Client in Python3
Posted on: 2022-05-22, by xqtr #blog I have just built a Python3 telnet client for visiting BBSes. I did that, cause i wanted an easy and fast way to have a telnet client whenever i wanted and also be usable on any "plain/vanilla" system. It can be run under a default installation of Python3 and no extra libraries are needed. You can get it from Github with this simple command: git clone https://github.com/xqtr/telnite You can run it under any Linux system, like Ubuntu, Raspberry and even Termux! You can also try Blocker v2.11 which can also be run under Raspberry in case you are looking for a more advanced ANSI telnet client for the RPi platform. Get it from the BBS and/or the Gopher/WWW site. http://andr01d.zapto.org:8080/Files/telnet_clients/blocker_211_rpi.zip