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Best gopher client...
Posted on: 2023-12-15, by xqtr #gopher, #client, #linux I was searching for the best terminal, gopher client, at least for me. So i installed a bunch of them... which also uninstalled at the end, cause i had the one i was looking for from the start, but i didn't know. First of all... i have to specify, what i was looking for. I wanted a gopher client, that would be easy to install, to any machine, as simple as a "apt install" or "pip install" command. No compiling, downloading, finding missing packages etc. Another feature, i would like, is to be easy to download files with it, follow links and even examine the source of a gopher page. A third requirement, but not a necessary one, would be to "render" color ANSI codes, cause some gopher sites have them and also i wanted to have, also ANSI colors in my gophlog. I tried VF1, Bombadillo, phetch and some more. Some could render ANSI colors but had a very weird UI, others couldn't download files. So what i did chose? Lynx! It's easy to install, as it is in the repos of every linux distro, it has an easy UI and key shortcuts, comes with help pages in case you forget the keystrokes, can download files and also can follow HTTP links which is a bonus and also view/download the source code of pages. It can't render ANSI colors, but this is not a big deal. I can live with it :) So, in case you are looking for a gopher client, make sure to try Lynx first and then the others. I bet, you will return to Lynx as i did...