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BASH Script for getting HEX/ANSI color values
Posted on: 2023-12-25, by xqtr bash, ansi, bbs I had some spare time, because of the Christmas holidays and thought to make a simple script, for getting the hex/ansi values of the main 16 colors used in DOS and various BBS stuff, like ANSI drawing and MODs. It uses DMENU for selection and also XCLIP to copy the color code into the clipboard. You first select the type of color code, like HEX value or ANSI escape code and then the color. From the time i wrote it, i find my self using it a lot more :) so i hope you also like it. #!/bin/bash #Description: Copies to clipboard the color hex/ansi value #Depends: xclip, dmenu #Author: XQTR of Another Droid BBS! #Date: 2023/12 MENU="dmenu -i -p" declare -Ag mci mci[black]="|00" mci[blue]="|01" mci[green]="|02" mci[cyan]="|03" mci[red]="|04" mci[magenta]="|05" mci[brown]="|06" mci[gray]="|07" mci[darkgray]="|08" mci[lightblue]="|09" mci[lightgreen]="|10" mci[lightcyan]="|11" mci[lightred]="|12" mci[lightmagenta]="|13" mci[yellow]="|14" mci[white]="|15" declare -Ag dos dos[black]="#000000" #black dos[blue]="#729fcf" #blue dos[green]="#4e9a06" #green dos[cyan]="#06989a" #cyan dos[red]="#cc0000" #red dos[magenta]="#75507b" #magenta dos[brown]="#c4a000" #yellow dos[gray]="#d3d7cf" #gray dos[darkgray]="#555753" #bright black dos[lightblue]="#32afff" #br blue dos[lightgreen]="#8ae234" #br green dos[lightcyan]="#34e2e2" #br cyan dos[lightred]="#ef2929" #br red dos[lightmagenta]="#ad7fa8" #br magenta dos[yellow]="#fce94f" #br yellow dos[white]="#ffffff" #white declare -Ag windows windows[black]="#000000" #black windows[blue]="#0000AA" #blue windows[green]="#00AA00" #green windows[cyan]="#00AAAA" #cyan windows[red]="#AA0000" #red windows[magenta]="#AA00AA" #magenta windows[brown]="#AA5500" #brown windows[gray]="#AAAAAA" #gray windows[darkgray]="#555555" #dark gray windows[lightblue]="#5555FF" #br blue windows[lightgreen]="#55FF55" #br green windows[lightcyan]="#55FFFF" #br cyan windows[lightred]="#FF5555" #br red windows[lightmagenta]="#FF55FF" #br magenta windows[yellow]="#FFFF55" #yellow windows[white]="#FFFFFF" #white declare -Ag ansi ansi[black]="\e[0;30m" ansi[blue]="\e[0;34m" ansi[green]="\e[0;32m" ansi[cyan]="\e[0;36m" ansi[red]="\e[0;31m" ansi[magenta]="\e[0;35m" ansi[brown]="\e[0;33m" ansi[gray]="\e[0;37m" ansi[darkgray]="\e[1;30m" ansi[lightblue]="\e[1;34m" ansi[lightgreen]="\e[1;32m" ansi[lightcyan]="\e[1;36m" ansi[lightred]="\e[1;31m" ansi[lightmagenta]="\e[1;35m" ansi[yellow]="\e[1;33m" ansi[white]="\e[1;37m" COLORS="ansi\ndos\nwindows\nmci" selected="$(echo -e "${COLORS}" | ${MENU} "Select Type:")" [ -z "${selected}" ] && exit 1 case "$selected" in dos) colsel="$(printf '%s\n' "${!dos[@]}" | ${MENU} "Select Color:")" echo "${dos["${colsel}"]}" | xclip -r -selection clipboard ;; windows) colsel="$(printf '%s\n' "${!windows[@]}" | ${MENU} "Select Color:")" echo "${windows["${colsel}"]}" | xclip -r -selection clipboard ;; ansi) colsel="$(printf '%s\n' "${!ansi[@]}" | ${MENU} "Select Color:")" echo "${ansi["${colsel}"]}" | xclip -r -selection clipboard ;; mci) colsel="$(printf '%s\n' "${!mci[@]}" | ${MENU} "Select Color:")" echo "${mci["${colsel}"]}" | xclip -r -selection clipboard ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac