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In the search of the "best" monospaced font...
Posted on: 2023-12-26, by xqtr terminal, linux, font While searching for the best monospaced font, for my likings, i tried many many fonts. Most of them, was fonts, from old machines, like Amstrad, Amiga, Atari and of course IBM PC. There is a great collection at this site: Int10h.org If you are looking for an old font, this is your source! Of course i tried other fonts, that are trending among coders in the Net, but finally i think i found it! At least for me. It's named "IBM Plex Mono". It's very clear and reminds a bit the old Courrier font, which i liked. Currently i am using it in all my terminal stuff and code editor and i really like it. It's very pleasant and easy to read, in the eye. If you are unsatisfied with the one you all ready use, give it a try. You can find it here: Google Fonts - IBM Plex Mono