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Weather status bar in Mystic BBS
Posted on: 2023-12-27, by xqtr bbs,mystic,mod,ansi,weather Let's add a status bar with weather information, in your BBS. For this example, we will use Mystic BBS, but the same can be achieved in other BBS software too. The idea is the same, just the implementation, changes. To make things very easy, we will use a script called ANSIWEATHER. In Debian/Ubuntu distros, can be installed very easy, with APT(-GET). Just: sudo apt-get install ansiweather Run it once to see what it does and get the filling ;) You can edit the script it self or use the config file to change the colors and other stuff. For the purpose of this tutor, we will leave it as it is. The blue colors ANSIWEATHER uses, match perfect with the default Mystic BBS theme. Open Mystic BBS Configuration manager and edit the menu you want to add the weather info. In that menu, add a command. See the picture below on what to write specific. What we do is, position the cursor in line 20 (for the default theme) change the background color to blue, clear the line and reposition the cursor at the start of the line. Next we run ANSIWEATHER, which displays the info, where the cursor is and at last we reset the color to gray/black, to not affect the rest of the theme/menu. ANSIWEATHER uses ANSI color codes, so any BBS software will render it just fine. The only thing is to customize how you run it, so the output text, doesn't exceed 80 chars width. This is the simplest way to use this utility. From this, we can even go further and do other stuff. For example, we can use ANSIWEATHER inside a MPY script, get its results and display them anywhere in the screen. Command:
Final Result
Also posted in: https://anotherdroidbbs.wordpress.com/2023/12/27/ weather-status-bar-in-your-bbs/