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Links for RETRO apps
Posted on: 2024-01-06, by xqtr msdos, windows, apps, drivers, links, retro, abandon, For those that are into retro machines like old msdos and windows 3/95/98/XP, here are some websites that offer applications and drivers, for those machines. You will find very good stuff, that you probably didn't know and stuff to not just revive your old machine, but also get you into the mood to make things with them. So, here they are: https://www.vogons.org Vogons is a forum, with many retro stuff, the information you will find here is invaluable. https://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/ A very good site, with a large library of software, specially for Win95/XP machines and drivers. It's a must! https://archive.org/details/softwarelibrary_msdos_apps If you haven't heard of Internet Archive, then you are not into the retro scene for long. IA is a must website, not just for retro stuff ;) https://www.abandonwaredos.com Ahhh... the MSDOS jackpot... nothing more to say.