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/_/   \_\_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|    |____/|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|	
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                  \__|\__,_|\__\___/|_|  |___/	

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|_|           |___/                            |___/ 	

HEX Editing in Linux Console
FreePascal Install in Linux
Data Record Endianess
Crosscompile Code Techniques
HEX Editing with DD util.
Byte Counting
Savefile Reverse Engineering
BASH: Clear ANSI codes and get text
FreePascal: Compiler Switches
FreePascal: Reading PIPE color codes
FreePascal: Check files for included media
FreePascal: ANSI parse code
Python: Find diffs. between files based on HASH
Python: Include BASE64 encoded ANSI files
Python: Read JAM bases
Python: LightBar Menu
Python: Read SAUCE data 

 _    _       	
| |__| |__ ___	
| '_ \ '_ (_-<	
Phone calling from a BBS
Record BBS output with Linux/Telnet
Install SynchroBBS in Linux/RPi
Enigma BBS Installation
Implement Torrent files to a BBS
Torrent files for BBSes, Part 2
Ripping ANSI graphics in 2019
How to use CRLF in files
How to include Youtube videos to your BBS
Install QODEM in Termux/Android

              _   _      _    _       	
 _ __ _  _ __| |_(_)__  | |__| |__ ___	
| '  \ || (_-<  _| / _| | '_ \ '_ (_-<	
|_|_|_\_, /__/\__|_\__| |_.__/_.__/__/	
Mystic Menus pros and cons
Blacklist management proposion
Global Menu Commands
Upload uncranched ANSI to Mystic with MUTIL
Python: Read .DIR files
Python: Read the ONELINER.DAT file
Python: Read FBASES.DAT file
Setup an ECHO Net
MPL: Oneliner Edit Script

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 \_/\__,_|_| |_\___/\_,_/__/	
.SPC to .IT
Virtual Floppies for VirtualMachine
NANO editor Custom Config for text writing
Easy RAMDISK file in Linux/RPi
Use Tundra ANSI Editor under Linux
Convert .MOD to .WAV with XMP
Get ROM files, the easy way
DOSBOX config and install
Green FrameBuffer PDF Reader - Install